Saturday, November 30, 2019

Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck Essay Example

Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck Essay â€Å"I think the artist has the right to interpret and re-interpret history and the events of his time (Oliver Stone)†. Discuss this statement with reference to Good Night and Good Luck. George Clooney’s Good Night and Good Luck is a docudrama set in the 50’s during the rise of television. A docudrama is a film narrative based on a real time or event. This docudrama follows the true battle between a Mr Edward R. Murrow a well-respected CBS news reporter and Joseph McCarthy a junior senator from Wisconsin, who is blinded by patriotism and obvious hatred for communism. Murrow goes â€Å"straight at† McCarthy and targets his terrorism towards suspected communists and publicly denotes him for convicting civilians without trial in an era when the fourth estate was only used to â€Å"distract, delude, amuse, and insulate† and not show the reality of the world. Docudramas can provide a powerful way of showing past events. A docudrama gives the audience a greater insight into the time and events by getting beneath the surface as the artist has the right to remake scenes that were not documented. Critics of docudrama say the medium is merely a form of entertainment and has no credit in being used as a form of education as the director can pick and choose what goes in and scenes has to be fabricated. In the case of Good Night and Good Luck, Clooney gives a balanced view of Murrow, leaving McCarthy and Murrow both losers in the end. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the opening scenes Clooney provides us with an interpretation of the 50’s which later reveals what lies beneath the surface. The characters appear at Murrow’s press club to be laughing and joking giving the impression of a facade of happiness between the co-workers. In reality, we later learn these reporters are willing to tear each other to shreds and steal each other’s jobs in order to get to where they want to be. This was a way of life in the fifties where everything had to seem normal and happy on the Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck Essay Example Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck Essay The film is relevant and successfully portrays the historical aspects of broadcast journalism in 1950’s America accurately. Initially shot in color, the film was edited to a black-and-white or grayscale theme in order to match the time period. Clooney also decided to incorporate actual footage of McCarthy presenting his speeches. These clips chronicle McCarthy’s reels and lend historical accuracy to the film. The movie also persists in establishing the â€Å"behind-the-scenes† of the early days of broadcast. In the headquarters, we see typewriters, heavy smoking, drinking, and episodes of stress that were to be expected in the business. The inner-workings of news and television such as the small space Murrow had between his chair and the camera were also believable. The film was also objective with the presentation of facts and newspapers. They utilized the exact words from the broadcasting between McCarthy and Murrow, and also showed the problems Murrow faced. T hese all contributed to recreating a realistic representation of the time period and the struggles of those who disagreed with McCarthy’s principles. One of the most important questions the film raised was the influence and change of mass media. In the 1950s, the commercial business of the television industry had just begun to expand and grow. By this late 1950s, there were over three million television sets in distributed across American homes, and CBS News had established itself as a credible source of television reporting. However, many television networks were not immune to scrutiny by McCarthy, and it was also true that in order to appease sponsors, many networks censored and avoided any controversial contents. Television is also not completed protected by the first amendment. Newspapers can censure government, but the federal Communications Commission can revoke a television licenses. So, one important theme posed by the movie was the government’s relationships wit We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Good Night and Good Luck specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Monday, November 25, 2019

Llano Estacado in the U.S. and Around the World

Llano Estacado in the U.S. and Around the World Llano Estacado literally translated from Spanish-to-English means Staked Plain, and it is a region at the southern end of the American Great Plains in the southwestern United States. The Geographical Region The Llano Estacado region  encompasses parts of  eastern New Mexico  and northwestern  Texas. It is marked by large mesas at elevations of 3,000 to 5,000 feet. One of its most popular landmarks is the Caprock Escarpment in Texas. Possible Historical Reference The settling of the western United States in the 1800s was known for its land runs with settlers on foot and horseback racing to claim lands by driving a stake into the ground. Llano Estacado may be a historical nod to the stakes or posts driven  into the ground in this region that were used as landmarks delineating property. Some suggest the plain was called Llano Estacado because it is surrounded by cliffs resembling palisades or stockades, which explains the definitions of palisaded plain or stockaded plain. The Caprock Escarpment is a 200-mile long cliff or palisade that delineates the border of the Llano Estacado region from the high plains.   Spanish Translation   Llano Estacado  can be translated to mean palisaded plain, stockaded plain, or staked plain. Llano is a direct translation for the word plain or prairie.  Estacado  is the past  participle  of  estacar. Estacar  is the verb meaning to tie to a post. Of the three possible translations, the three have very similar meanings. Many words in English are derived from Spanish words. The English word stockade comes from the Spanish word  estaca, so originally stockade and staked meant basically the same thing. The same can be said for palisade, it comes from the French word  palissade, meaning stake. The word palisade is related to the Spanish word  palo, meaning stick, which may be a close relation to the word stake. Non-American Spanish Speakers What does a native Spanish speaker not from the United States assume as the meaning for the term Llano Estacado? A native Spanish speaker would approach the term in the same way an English speaker would understand staked plain. As in English, it is not a common term, but it does evoke a certain meaning when you give the term some thought. The understanding of the term would likely be different for someone living in suburban Madrid than it would be for someone living on the plains of Argentina.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Autonomous Caregiver Following Robotic Wheelchair

Therefore we have to see non merely independent maps and user interfaces but besides how to cut down caregivers’ burden and back up their activities in a communicating facet. From this point of position, we have proposed a robotic wheelchair traveling with a caregiver side by side based on the MATLAB procedure. In this undertaking we discoursing about robotic wheel chair to follow a health professional by utilizing a microcontroller, Ultrasonic detector, computer keyboard, Motor drivers to run automaton. Using camera interfaced with the DM6437 ( Davinci Code Processor ) image is captured. The captured image are so processed by utilizing image processing technique, the processed image are so converted into electromotive force degrees through MAX 232 degree convertor and given it to the microcontroller unit serially and supersonic detector to observe the obstruction in forepart of automaton. In this automaton we have mode choice switch Automatic and Manual control of automaton, we use supersonic detector in automatic manner to happen obstruction, in Manual manner to utilize the computer keyboard to run wheel chair. In the microcontroller unit, hundred linguistic communication cryptography is predefined, harmonizing to this coding the automaton which connected to it was controlled. Robot which has several motors is activated by utilizing the motor drivers. Motor drivers are nil but a switch which ON/OFF the motor harmonizing to the control given by the microcontroller unit. Keywords:Code Composer studio,Robotic Wheelchair. Introduction Harmonizing to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , between the 7 and 10 % of the population worldwide suffer from some physical disablement. This nose count indicates that the most common disablement is motor, followed by sightlessness, hearing loss, rational, and linguistic communication. Many people who suffer from chronic mobility damages, such as spinal cord hurts or multiple induration, utilize a powered wheelchair to travel around their environment. However, factors such as weariness, devolution of their status, and centripetal damages, frequently limit their ability to utilize standard electric wheelchairs. This undertaking aims at developing—in coaction with applied scientists and rehabilitation clinicians—a paradigm of a multi-functional intelligent wheelchair to help persons with mobility damages in their day-to-day motive power, while minimising physical and cognitive tonss. In Existing system the control is utilizing computer keyboard or person has to assist in traveling the wheel chair and here we introduce a new technique in this we can track the caregiver’s organic structure orientation by sing its form so that the wheelchair can do a bend when the health professional is traveling to alter his/her traveling way. Based on these observations of the health professional, our wheelchair can travel with the health professional side by side. img alt="" src="". Fig1. System Overview The coveted codification can be fed into DM6437 via CCS and consequence can be viewed in matlab. In the following subdivision, the execution of tracking algorithms will be presented. Section III proposes the algorithm with Davinci codification processor and robotic system. Decision is given in subdivision IV. Peoples DETECTION AND TRACKING Initially connect web camera to the processor. From the picture 2 back-to-back snapshot will be taken with 2sec hold. Both the images will be converted from RGB to grey. The obtained images will hold noise. In order to take the noise Weiner filter is used. Then the filtered grey image will be converted in to grey Binary Image in which ROI is separated. From the binary image Region belongingss will be extracted. In this undertaking major axis length and orientation are extracted. These belongingss will be compared for both the images. Based on the conditions, the bids will be sent to the robotic wheelchair through consecutive port. The stairss followed in algorithm is, First we take two images automatically one by one with some hold. Convert both colour images to grey images by utilizing rgb2gray bid. Use wiener2 filter for taking gesture fuzz in both images because object is in traveling place so camera generate blurred image. Convert that wiener filtered images to binary images. Apply regionprops technique to binary images for ciphering majoraxislength, orientation ( angle ) . Here we are utilizing both instances such as majoraxislength for ciphering length of image and orientation for angle of image. After acquiring place of object that will be automatically sended to embedded kit ( wheel chair ) through consecutive port utilizing consecutive bid. img alt="" src=""/ Fig2. Detecting Region of Interest ALGORITHM WITH DM6437 AND ROBOTIC SYSTEM Therefore the generated matlab plan has been fed into the davinci codification processor. This is done by change overing matlab codification in to c codification. The generated degree Celsius codification will be injected in to the processor utilizing Code Composer Studio. img alt="" src=""/ Fig3. DVM6437 with supplied electromotive force and USB connexion img alt="" src=""/ Fig 4. MATLAB coding img alt="" src=""/ Fig5. Connecting with CCS A Robotic constellation. The paradigm system can be implemented utilizing the TMS320DM6437 EVM board, the Robot, and a picture camera. The EVM board includes a DM6437 DSP with a UART consecutive port, composite picture inputs and end products, and many other peripherals. img alt="" src=""/ Fig6. Robotic Circuit The EVM board can be mounted above the robotic system. A gripper can be built, to attach the picture camera to the system, and avoid camera quivers, that can be caused by the automaton ‘s motion. Maestro system. The maestro system includes the robotic faculty. Thus the TI DSP processor can be interfaced to robotic faculty by agencies of UART. The robotic system can be configured with 89C51, DC brushless motors ( 45 revolutions per minute ) , detectors for the obstructions sensing and UART for the external. This microcontroller enforce greater versatility with the option for Embedded Web waiter application, so that system can be monitored from the distant location. Therefore configuring the system utilizing UART would intend that the DSP would move as slave and it would the feed the boot information to the maestro device ( 89C51 ) , when they need information. Thus the maestro would have the picture information, sing which object demand to be tracked from the slave ( DSP ) and there by the coveted one would be tracked. Thus the presented algorithm would roll up the belongingss of the coveted object, which would voyage the slave for tracking. Based on the place of the Object ( Caregiver ) , the bids will be sent to microcontroller through the consecutive port. Depending on the standard bids, the action will be taken topographic point. The bids and it’s control action for automaton, is given in tabular array. TABLE1: DECISION MAKING TABLE BY ROBOT S.No Command Robot motion 1 4 Left 2 6 Right 3 8 Forward 4 5 Stop The relationship between the maestro and break one’s back device is depicted as province flow chart in the figure7 img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src="" img alt="" src="" img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src="" img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ Fig7. Flow of mechanism between district attorney vinci and robotic system img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""/ Fig8. Robotic Wheelchair Prototype Decision In this paper, a new algorithm is presented, to do the wheelchair to follow health professional. The algorithm is verified for a set of picture. It reduces the physical work and caregiver’s burden. The proposed architecture has to be implemented. Mentions [ 1 ] Veenman, C. Reinders, M. , and Backer, E. 2001. Deciding gesture correspondence for dumbly traveling points, IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach. Intell. 23, 1, 54–72. Serby, D. , koller clemency, S. , AND Gool L. V. 2004. Probabilistic object tracking utilizing multiple characteristics. In IEEE International Conference of Pattern Recognition ( ICPR ) . 184–187. Comaniciu, D. , Ramesh, V. , Andmeer, P. 2003. Kernel-based object trailing. IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach Intell. 25, 564–575. Yilmaz, A. , LI, X. , AND Shah, M. 2004. Contour based object tracking with occlusion managing in picture acquired utilizing nomadic cameras. IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach. Intell. 26, 11, 1531–1536. Pashcog, G. 2001. Perceptually unvarying colour infinites for colour texture analysis: an empirical rating. IEEE Trans. Image Process. 10, 932–937. Canny, J. 1986. A computational attack to inch sensing. IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach. Intell. 8, 6, 679–698. HORN, B. AND SCHUNK, B. 1981. Determining optical flow. Artific. Intell. 17, 185–203. Kanade, T. , collins, R. , Lipton, A. , Burt, P. , AND Wilson, L. 1998. Progresss in concerted multi-sensor picture surveillance. Darpa IU Workshop. 3–24. Wren, A. Azarbayejani, T. Darrell, and A. Pentland, â€Å"Pfinder: Real-time trailing of the human organic structure, † IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, pp. 780-785, 1997. A. Monnet, A. Mittal, N. Paragios, and V. Ramesh, â€Å"Background mold and minus of dynamic scenes, † Oct. 2003, pp. 1305-1312 vol.2. [ 11 ] M. Irani and P. Anandan, â€Å"Video indexing based on Mosaic representations, † Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 905-921, May 1998. [ 12 ] X. Gao, T. Boult, F. Coetzee, and V. Ramesh, â€Å"Error analysis of background adaptation, † vol. 1, 2000, pp. 503-510 vol-1 P.1 Autonomous Caregiver Following Robotic Wheelchair Therefore we have to see non merely independent maps and user interfaces but besides how to cut down caregivers’ burden and back up their activities in a communicating facet. From this point of position, we have proposed a robotic wheelchair traveling with a caregiver side by side based on the MATLAB procedure. In this undertaking we discoursing about robotic wheel chair to follow a health professional by utilizing a microcontroller, Ultrasonic detector, computer keyboard, Motor drivers to run automaton. Using camera interfaced with the DM6437 ( Davinci Code Processor ) image is captured. The captured image are so processed by utilizing image processing technique, the processed image are so converted into electromotive force degrees through MAX 232 degree convertor and given it to the microcontroller unit serially and supersonic detector to observe the obstruction in forepart of automaton. In this automaton we have mode choice switch Automatic and Manual control of automaton, we use supersonic detector in automatic manner to happen obstruction, in Manual manner to utilize the computer keyboard to run wheel chair. In the microcontroller unit, hundred linguistic communication cryptography is predefined, harmonizing to this coding the automaton which connected to it was controlled. Robot which has several motors is activated by utilizing the motor drivers. Motor drivers are nil but a switch which ON/OFF the motor harmonizing to the control given by the microcontroller unit. Keywords:Code Composer studio,Robotic Wheelchair. Introduction Harmonizing to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , between the 7 and 10 % of the population worldwide suffer from some physical disablement. This nose count indicates that the most common disablement is motor, followed by sightlessness, hearing loss, rational, and linguistic communication. Many people who suffer from chronic mobility damages, such as spinal cord hurts or multiple induration, utilize a powered wheelchair to travel around their environment. However, factors such as weariness, devolution of their status, and centripetal damages, frequently limit their ability to utilize standard electric wheelchairs. This undertaking aims at developing—in coaction with applied scientists and rehabilitation clinicians—a paradigm of a multi-functional intelligent wheelchair to help persons with mobility damages in their day-to-day motive power, while minimising physical and cognitive tonss. In Existing system the control is utilizing computer keyboard or person has to assist in traveling the wheel chair and here we introduce a new technique in this we can track the caregiver’s organic structure orientation by sing its form so that the wheelchair can do a bend when the health professional is traveling to alter his/her traveling way. Based on these observations of the health professional, our wheelchair can travel with the health professional side by side. img alt="" src="". Fig1. System Overview The coveted codification can be fed into DM6437 via CCS and consequence can be viewed in matlab. In the following subdivision, the execution of tracking algorithms will be presented. Section III proposes the algorithm with Davinci codification processor and robotic system. Decision is given in subdivision IV. Peoples DETECTION AND TRACKING Initially connect web camera to the processor. From the picture 2 back-to-back snapshot will be taken with 2sec hold. Both the images will be converted from RGB to grey. The obtained images will hold noise. In order to take the noise Weiner filter is used. Then the filtered grey image will be converted in to grey Binary Image in which ROI is separated. From the binary image Region belongingss will be extracted. In this undertaking major axis length and orientation are extracted. These belongingss will be compared for both the images. Based on the conditions, the bids will be sent to the robotic wheelchair through consecutive port. The stairss followed in algorithm is, First we take two images automatically one by one with some hold. Convert both colour images to grey images by utilizing rgb2gray bid. Use wiener2 filter for taking gesture fuzz in both images because object is in traveling place so camera generate blurred image. Convert that wiener filtered images to binary images. Apply regionprops technique to binary images for ciphering majoraxislength, orientation ( angle ) . Here we are utilizing both instances such as majoraxislength for ciphering length of image and orientation for angle of image. After acquiring place of object that will be automatically sended to embedded kit ( wheel chair ) through consecutive port utilizing consecutive bid. img alt="" src=""/ Fig2. Detecting Region of Interest ALGORITHM WITH DM6437 AND ROBOTIC SYSTEM Therefore the generated matlab plan has been fed into the davinci codification processor. This is done by change overing matlab codification in to c codification. The generated degree Celsius codification will be injected in to the processor utilizing Code Composer Studio. img alt="" src=""/ Fig3. DVM6437 with supplied electromotive force and USB connexion img alt="" src=""/ Fig 4. MATLAB coding img alt="" src=""/ Fig5. Connecting with CCS A Robotic constellation. The paradigm system can be implemented utilizing the TMS320DM6437 EVM board, the Robot, and a picture camera. The EVM board includes a DM6437 DSP with a UART consecutive port, composite picture inputs and end products, and many other peripherals. img alt="" src=""/ Fig6. Robotic Circuit The EVM board can be mounted above the robotic system. A gripper can be built, to attach the picture camera to the system, and avoid camera quivers, that can be caused by the automaton ‘s motion. Maestro system. The maestro system includes the robotic faculty. Thus the TI DSP processor can be interfaced to robotic faculty by agencies of UART. The robotic system can be configured with 89C51, DC brushless motors ( 45 revolutions per minute ) , detectors for the obstructions sensing and UART for the external. This microcontroller enforce greater versatility with the option for Embedded Web waiter application, so that system can be monitored from the distant location. Therefore configuring the system utilizing UART would intend that the DSP would move as slave and it would the feed the boot information to the maestro device ( 89C51 ) , when they need information. Thus the maestro would have the picture information, sing which object demand to be tracked from the slave ( DSP ) and there by the coveted one would be tracked. Thus the presented algorithm would roll up the belongingss of the coveted object, which would voyage the slave for tracking. Based on the place of the Object ( Caregiver ) , the bids will be sent to microcontroller through the consecutive port. Depending on the standard bids, the action will be taken topographic point. The bids and it’s control action for automaton, is given in tabular array. TABLE1: DECISION MAKING TABLE BY ROBOT S.No Command Robot motion 1 4 Left 2 6 Right 3 8 Forward 4 5 Stop The relationship between the maestro and break one’s back device is depicted as province flow chart in the figure7 img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src="" img alt="" src="" img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src="" img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ Fig7. Flow of mechanism between district attorney vinci and robotic system img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""img alt="" src=""/ Fig8. Robotic Wheelchair Prototype Decision In this paper, a new algorithm is presented, to do the wheelchair to follow health professional. The algorithm is verified for a set of picture. It reduces the physical work and caregiver’s burden. The proposed architecture has to be implemented. Mentions [ 1 ] Veenman, C. Reinders, M. , and Backer, E. 2001. Deciding gesture correspondence for dumbly traveling points, IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach. Intell. 23, 1, 54–72. Serby, D. , koller clemency, S. , AND Gool L. V. 2004. Probabilistic object tracking utilizing multiple characteristics. In IEEE International Conference of Pattern Recognition ( ICPR ) . 184–187. Comaniciu, D. , Ramesh, V. , Andmeer, P. 2003. Kernel-based object trailing. IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach Intell. 25, 564–575. Yilmaz, A. , LI, X. , AND Shah, M. 2004. Contour based object tracking with occlusion managing in picture acquired utilizing nomadic cameras. IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach. Intell. 26, 11, 1531–1536. Pashcog, G. 2001. Perceptually unvarying colour infinites for colour texture analysis: an empirical rating. IEEE Trans. Image Process. 10, 932–937. Canny, J. 1986. A computational attack to inch sensing. IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach. Intell. 8, 6, 679–698. HORN, B. AND SCHUNK, B. 1981. Determining optical flow. Artific. Intell. 17, 185–203. Kanade, T. , collins, R. , Lipton, A. , Burt, P. , AND Wilson, L. 1998. Progresss in concerted multi-sensor picture surveillance. Darpa IU Workshop. 3–24. Wren, A. Azarbayejani, T. Darrell, and A. Pentland, â€Å"Pfinder: Real-time trailing of the human organic structure, † IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, pp. 780-785, 1997. A. Monnet, A. Mittal, N. Paragios, and V. Ramesh, â€Å"Background mold and minus of dynamic scenes, † Oct. 2003, pp. 1305-1312 vol.2. [ 11 ] M. Irani and P. Anandan, â€Å"Video indexing based on Mosaic representations, † Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 905-921, May 1998. [ 12 ] X. Gao, T. Boult, F. Coetzee, and V. Ramesh, â€Å"Error analysis of background adaptation, † vol. 1, 2000, pp. 503-510 vol-1 P.1

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writing two Radio PSAs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writing two Radio PSAs - Assignment Example The voices consist of s female and a male. The drama is set in such a way the two actors are holding a discussion, about the discovery of recent research on the effect of smoking on non-smokers. The male character is not aware of the findings of the research and makes it clear to the listeners through asking questions. On the other hand, the female character is energetic and is in control of the discussion. The female character has the details pertaining the cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. The drama is set to take place in a radio studio where there are no noises apart from background music that is fading away at a distance. Silence is used as a gap between scenes to mark the end of a scene. The scenes will end abruptly that will come as a shock to listeners to act as a way of excitement to obtain total attention from the listeners. The silence will take about 2 seconds. The drama ends with both voices agreeing that a no smoking population leads to a long life. The PSAs is a health discussion presented to a radio station by a not-for-profit organization. The not-for-profit body advocates against smoking that leads to death of many people both smokers and non-smokers. The issue of smoking affects both the young and the old in the society. The storyline is follows a group of family members taking a trip to an island to celebrate the success of their business. The drama consists of different sound effects and music at the end of the PSAs. The PSAs targets people between the age of teenagers and adults. In addition, it aims to attract people from both genders that is male and females. In addition, the main audience of the PSAs is from middle and high class in the society. Moreover, the PSAs does not discriminate against any religious background. The sound effects vary according to the preceding statement of the PSAs. In addition, the sound effects are put in between the voice of the announcer. It will

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The topic is level of satisfaction among factory workers and cleaners Essay

The topic is level of satisfaction among factory workers and cleaners in the UAE, and their perception of satisfaction - Essay Example These countries, for instance; Dubai has a large number of tourists from all over the world. They need many people who can work in media and Information technology fields, as it is a growing industry. UAE countries have become center of attention for the whole world because of its oil resources, these countries receive many visitors from all over the world, either it is for business purpose or for tourism. Most of the South Asians move to the UAE to find jobs. Most of the people from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are blue collar workers. They work as house maids or domestic servants, factory workers, taxi drivers, waiter or waitress, laborers construction workers and petrol pump attendants etc. They have to accept whatever statement is given to them as they don’t have any right to speak. Many problems exist for these people who are treated as second-class citizens in these rich countries. They remain unsatisfied away from their families in a poor and in undesirable circumstances. They have to send most of the money to their homes for children and other family members to fulfill their basic needs. Rest of the money is not enough for their own requirements. Adjustment problems: They suffer from climate change in addition to that their surrounding environment and people are also not always from the same nationalities, they take much time to settle with the people of different cultures. They are lacking the basic needs of life around them; like they do not get pure and clean drinking water, nor do they have necessary waste disposal facilities. Health issues: If anyone of them falls ill, they can not access hospitals, doctors and other healthcare practitioners because of poor financial status. This cause poor health and more infections amongst them, these might be communicable infections, rapidly transferred from one person to the other as they live in communities. Although this is a fact, that these workers either they are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Young Goodman Brown Essay Example for Free

Young Goodman Brown Essay In the story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, written by author Nathaniel Hawthorne, we are offered opposites in personalities which demonstrates interesting extremes that keeps emotions flowing up and down from affection to fear in this book. Faith is a loving and kind character as Goodman Brown seems fortunate in finding a companion who desperately wants to be with. She displays acts of genuine affection for her new husband and it’s terribly obvious that she doesn’t want him to ever leave her. This character shows one opposite of the extreme measure by being king, genuine, loyal and loving with Goodman Brown. The old man in this story offers the complete opposite personality as he represents fear and what’s bad in the world. This character also shows complete opposite of what Goodman Brown’s wife is by being old where Faith is young and beautiful. Faith offers safety and security in Goodman’s home where the old man in the forest only allows for deceit and fear. Hawthorne demonstrates gloominess and evil when Goodman Brown leaves the safety of his home and wife. Faith didn’t want her husband to leave her. Possibly, she could sense the danger that awaited her husband with the close bond that they shared in their marriage. In this book, it is easily felt that one should remain on the side of the one that really cares about their safety and happiness and not be deceived by outside forces that threaten what is good in one’s life. Extreme opposites is what I took from the characters and a feeling that an individual should pay attention to those who remain sincere and caring in our lives and avoid outside influences of those who make us feel fear and uncertainty.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Exegetical Analysis of Colossians Essay -- essays research papers fc

Scripture Paragraph Text: Colossians 1:24 – 2:5 Book Purpose: Paul’s purpose in writing this book is to teach against the false teaching’s being taught there. The main theme of the book is that Jesus Christ is God and the only true way to heaven. Subject of Paragraph: Sacrificial Service for Christ Scriptural Context:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Immediate: The Passage before this one deals with the Supremacy of Christ. It tells that Christ is God and how he reconciled us to him. The passage after this one deals with living in him. It tells of the fullness that can be found in him. Paul also writes of our forgiveness and how he was triumphant over the cross. Basically Paul tells us of the freedom we have in Christ.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Book Context: The passage I chose deals with what we need to do as Christian’s. It also tells of the labor we will face for Christ. I think it is meant to be an encouragement to stay strong in the faith. The book of Colossians to me relates to the passage I chose by the way it flows. It seems to flow in an orderly fashion. It starts with the explanation of how Christ is Supreme and the proof of His Deity. Paul then transitions to telling about what he has gone through for the gospel and how he is compelled to labor for the Gospel. From there he goes into the freedom we have in Christ and how we are made alive in him. Paul then goes on to give us rules for Holy living. He also instructs us on how to run a Christian household. He...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Coraline Essay

Neil Gaiman’s children’s novel Coraline begins when Coraline, a young girl, and her parents moving into a second-floor flat in an old house. She then enters a parallel universe in which she begins her journey quest. As well as in Harry Potter, Coraline follows the classic pattern of a quest story, with plenty of interesting and imaginative twists on the genre. The hero with a thousand faces presents the idea of a hero’s journey, also called as the monomyth. Written in 1949 by Joseph Campbell, the book uses worldwide examples in order to highlight the similarities found in every heros journey, which can be seen in Coraline. ne can see how in Coraline also passes threw different hero phases such as the call to adventure, refusual of the call and the crossing of the first threshold, just to name a few. To start with, one of the first things of the monomyth found in â€Å"Coraline† is the call to adventure. For example, coraline is faced with the situation of her parents being kidnapped by the â€Å"other mother†. The words â€Å"help me† (pg. 53) from her trapped parents was the call and the beginning to her hero’s journey. To continue, in her departure, she also had the supernatural aid of the small stone with a hole. The stone came with advice from Miss Spink, she said â€Å"and be very, very careful, and don’t wear green in your dressing room (pg. 20, 21), so, Coraline took the stone and she wandered what does miss Spink mean by â€Å"danger†. Once the hero has committed to the quest the magical helper appears, or becomes known. There are many characters in the Coraline story that help aid her to success in defeating the other mother but no one in the book played a larger role than The Cat. The Cat was a mystery all on his own. One must recall that se cat is often a symbol for wisdom, mystery and helper. The Cat was not a friend or foe in the story. The cat was there to help Coraline along through the Other World and remind her that she is from the real world (just likethe egiptians used to believed). At the climax of the story, Coraline used the cat by throwing him at the Other Mother to escape the Other World. The hero returns with the token. The token is a reminder of the hero’s quest. The token proves that the story was not a dream. In the book Coraline, the token is the Stone with a hole in it. The Stone was given to Coraline from Ms. Spink. Ms Spink lived with Ms. Forcible in the flat under Coraline’s house. When Coraline receives the stone she asked â€Å"What is it for? † Miss Forcible responds â€Å"It might help†¦There are good for bad things, sometimes. †(24) The Stone with the hole in it help Coraline locate the ghost children and the souls of her parents. At the end of the journey when she rescues her parents, leaves the Other World and saves the real world from the Other Mother, Coraline return the stone with the hole in it to Ms. Forcible. Coraline says â€Å"Here you go, †¦I don’t need it anymore. I’m very grateful. I think it may have saved my life and some other people’s deaths. †(193) Letting Coraline and the readers know that the story was more than just not a figment of Coralines imagination. Coraline has to overcome the road of trail before she can continue on her hero’s journey. For example, she offers the â€Å"button eyed† mother a challenge, â€Å"an exploring game, a finding things game† (92). The gamble was her love in exchange for her real parents and the three lost souls of the children. The other mother agrees on the game. However, the â€Å"beldam† does not play fair. For instance, she conjured up a sand storm ,dog-bats, jelly-like creatures and of course a dough faced, â€Å"grublike†(111) thing with button eyes that whispered â€Å"coralline†. All the evil things try to stop Coraline in her quest. Overall, one can agree that the hero’s quest is evident in coraline. Its a incredible twist how Neil Gaiman creats this hero, making it appeal mor realistic and down to earth than other heroes. Coraline is not special. She’s an ordinary kid with ordinary parents living in an ordinary home. She’s not gifted at solving mysteries or riding horses or playing with dolphins. She doesn’t have any outstanding personality traits, like shyness, insecurity or extraordinary kindness. She’s just a kid who happens to be female, whose curiosity leads her to an adventure, the consequences of which demand heroics from her. She makes mistakes, and she also has flashes of brilliance, as people generally do.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Interview with Makeup Artist Sephora Essay

Being a makeup artist requires a lot of hard work, precision, and artistry. It is a job that is challenging, yet rewarding. Meet David. David is a 24 year old makeup artist who currently works as a beauty advisor at Sephora on 42nd and Madison. David was also interested on being on the Sephora Pro Beauty Team, but told me that is a task he is working on and will further take on in the coming time. He spends hours by the day helping clients do a color match, give advice on brands, or doing a Custom Makeup Application, or CMA for short. These applications are done when a customer spends at least $50 on any product in Sephora. The client will sit down with a beauty specialist and have a full face of makeup done. I got the chance to follow David as he worked with different clients, and I also got the chance to ask him a few questions, along with some opinions he threw at me. David is well.. of course, employed by Sephora. During the week, he usually works four days a week from about 12pm to 9pm. He told me that mid shifts are the best, because they are usually the busiest and time goes by quickly without even noticing. For his time and effort, Sephora compensates him with $11. 50 an hour without commission. I found that David is not usually at the location at 42nd and Madison, but is normally located in the Times Square location next to McDonalds on 42nd and 7th. David started working with the company in 2009, making it three years since starting with the company. He got the job, just like any of us would have gone to apply for any other job. He filed out an application along with a resume and hoped for the best. David is very interested in cosmetics, and he told me that he uses all Makeup Forever Products. He likes them because of the ease of application and the natural look that comes with it. The line makes your skin look flawless and makes pictures look amazing. When it comes down to applying makeup to clients, David likes to use Bobbi Brown products, along with a few products from the Makeup Forever collection. Also, I noticed that he uses the Smashbox Primer â€Å"Photo Finish. † It seemed like they were trying to push this product a little bit. They clean the brushes before each application, and they also remove any dirt, oils, or makeup from the face. Make overs do differ from consumer to consumer. A client who is fair skinned has a completely different complexion than someone who may be dark skinned. The products do vary between clients. There was a woman that David was working with who said she was, â€Å"new to makeup† and wanted to learn more about application. David started her off with a tinted moisturizer to see how that felt on her face, judging whether or not she would like more coverage. With most clients, they pushed a lot of the Makeup Forever products, being that it is Sephora’s private brand. They did somewhat of a soft sell, being that they told you the name of the product before they put it on. I did notice they would take a brand new product off of the shelf and place it in front of you. David did this with most of the products he applied to his clients. During my time with David, I did not feel pressured to buy anything. He explained to me where he was applying each product and what it did to the face. For the first time, I had contouring done, and I loved the final look of it. It definitely defined the face and I honestly had no idea it came in a powder. I always figured it came in a liquid. My time with David was up, but I did manage to buy a few products. I bought a Sephora Pro foundation brush, along with the HD Microperfecting Powder. They were items I needed, but thanks to David’s help, I bought them right after my consultation with him. I did also spend the money because I found out how much the powder does make a difference after applying the makeup. It gives the face a matte look and also locks in the makeup to your face. The powder also absorbs oils and stays on all day. We all know that Sephora is a top leader in the retail industry when it comes to makeup, skincare, and cosmetics. According to what I found out from David, and just simply people watching at Sephora for about 2 hours, I feel like a company can make a lot of money if they have in store make overs. Unlike CVS and Duane Reade, where you cannot try the makeup, Sephora gives the client an opportunity to see the product on, live, and how he or she wants to see it. It reduces the chance for returns of a product because of the testing beforehand. Companies can greatly impact a sale if they incorporate this technique into a store. Not only will it give people a place to try new products, it gives the client more of an opportunity to work with an advisor, like David. People need help when they try new things on their own sometimes. So when all comes down to store make overs, they are a total win and a great way to communicate with a client.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Setup and Use SSH on a Raspberry PI

How to Setup and Use SSH on a Raspberry PI SSH is a secure method of logging onto a remote computer. If your Pi is networked, then this can be a handy way of operating it from another computer or just copying files to or from it. First, you have to install the SSH service. This is done by this command: sudo apt-get install ssh After a couple of minutes, this will be complete. You can start the daemon (Unix name for a service) with this command from the terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start This init.d is used to start other daemons. For example, if you have Apache, MySQL, Samba etc. You can also stop the service with stop or restart it with restart. Have It Start at Bootup To set it up so the ssh server starts every time the Pi boots up, run this command once: sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults You can check that it worked by forcing your Pi to reboot with the reboot command: sudo reboot Then after rebooting try to connect to it using Putty or WinSCP (details below). Powering Down and Rebooting Its possible to corrupt your SD card with power offs before it halts. The result: reinstall everything. Only power down once you have fully shut down your Pi. Given its low power usage and little heat given off, you could probably leave it running 24x7. If you want to shut it down, use the shutdown command: sudo shutdown -h now Change -h to -r and it does the same as sudo reboot. Putty and WinSCP If youre accessing your Pi from the command line of a Windows/Linux or Mac PC then use Putty or the commercial (but free for private use) Tunnelier. Both are great for general browsing around your Pis folders and copying files to or from a Windows PC. Download them from these URLs: Putty Download PageWinSCP Download PageTunnelier: Powerful free to use Windows SFTP etc. Your Pi needs to be connected to your network before you use Putty or WinSCP and you need to know its IP address. On my network, my Pi is on You can find yours by typing in /sbin/ifconfig and on the 2nd line of the output, youll see inet addr: followed by your IP address. For Putty, its easiest to download putty.exe or the zip file of all the exes and put them in a folder. When you run putty it pops up a configuration Window. Enter your IP address in the input field where it says Host Name (or IP address) and enter pi or any name there. Now click the save button then the open button at the bottom. Youll have to login into your pi but now you can use it as if you were actually there. This can be quite useful, as its far easier to cut and paste long text strings in via a putty terminal. Try running this command: ps ax That shows a list of processes running on your pi. These include ssh (the two sshd) and Samba (nmbd and smbd) and many others. PID TTY STAT TIME COMMAND858 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd866 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/nmbd -D887 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D1092 ? Ss 0:00 sshd: pi [priv] WinSCP We find it most useful to set it up in two screen mode rather than in explorer mode but its easily changed in the Preferences. Also in preferences under Integration/Applications change the path to the putty.exe so you can easily jump into putty. When you connect to the pi, it starts at your home directory which is /home/pi. Click on the two .. to view the folder above and do it once more to get to the root. You can see all of the 20 Linux folders. After youve used a terminal for a while youll see a hidden file .bash_history (not that well hidden!). This is a text file of your command history with all the commands youve used before so copy it, edit out the stuff you dont want and keep the useful commands somewhere safe.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Critical review of a journal article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Critical review of a journal article - Essay Example In this regard, ecologists, environmentalists, and even business organizations are now carrying out researches and studies to benefit from the available resources of the planet efficiently. In other words, environmental management has now become a notion of survival for the organizations and even states globally that are now focusing primarily on opportunities that may bring environmental benefits that will be an alternative warfare and most importantly, dominating tool to rule the world in coming years. This paper is a little attempt to discuss some of the aspects of environmental management while focusing mainly on a scholarly piece (MacLean, 2009) that will be the fundamental basis of this paper. Richard MacLean (2009) is the author of a significant article, â€Å"Entering the Fourth Environmental Wave† (MacLean, 2009) in which, author has done a remarkable job by defining and discussing specific issues of environmental management while providing some solutions and implications that seem practical and beneficial theoretically. In brief, the author (MacLean, 2009) began by defining that the world has been experiencing different periods of environmental alterations that occur in the form of waves. Presently, the world is confronting the fourth environmental wave that now requires business organizations to take a step forward in a strategic manner, in order to survive in this competitive era that will be involving huge efforts to acquire remaining natural resources globally. After indicating beginning of the fourth wave, author (MacLean, 2009) specified that in order to acquire material benefits, business organizations will have to start thinking out of the box rather than following cluster of similar perspective, such as trade associations, conferences, etc. Additionally, environmental managers must begin to focus on long-term vision rather than short-term goals that may result in revenues, but in a long run, it

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Naming rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Naming rights - Essay Example Different Business enterprises like those concerned with the manufacturing of sports goods, sports wear, watches and soft drinks might be potential sponsors. Sports brands offer a lucrative market as according to sources: ‘Marketing professionals around the world recognize the power of sports brands and content as a consumer draw. As Associate General Manager I would select companies like Nike, Reebok and a firm like Uni Lever as sponsors. These are firms which are promoting products that are environmental friendly and promote health.I would then explain the respective co operates firm the advantages of investing in our project-To build a new stadium. In addition to the core benefits, media exposure, signage, and customer respect there are other benefits as well. In Greene’s opinion naming rights play two important roles: ’First, in supporting larger finance packages with other revenue streams and second, as a single source of finance’. Our Mission statemen t is to boost sport oriented activities. Sports not only encourage healthy bodies but healthy minds as well. The creation of sports man spirit encourages healthy competition. Negative feelings like jealousy and sorrow would be eliminated from society.In order to ensure that the stakeholder brand maintains our image, we shall audit the brand owner’s strategies ...